Monday, January 26, 2009

Winning Attitude: Unconditional love!

How willing are you to give?

What I mean is this...

Do you give freely or with condition?
Do you give freely or with expectation?
Do you give freely or with guilt?
Do you give freely or with resentment?
Do you give freely or carelessly?

Again, how willing are you to give?

Here are two powerful quotes for you to consider...

1. "People don't care what you know until they know you care."

Do people get that you care?

2. "We must learn to love life without trusting it." G.K. Chesterton

Trust doesn't come first! Trust isn't earned, it is given!

How trusting are you?


1. Give yourself time each day to consider and to observe yourself and others.
2. Consider how willing you are to commit to others and yourself.
3. Notice how willing others appear to be when working with you.
4. Take notes, record yourself...get it out of your head!
5. Pay attention...wink!

Give your thoughts and your feelings a voice!

Before there is an action, there is a choice and before choice there is attitude. Our attitudes, and our perspectives shape our relationships, our lives and yes, our businesses!

To your success,

James Possible (Mr. Possible)


© 2009 James Possible LLC. All rights reserved in all media.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Coaching: 3 reasons why I'm not the coach for you...

You're satisfied with your life?
You're unwilling to make an effort?
You don't have a dream?
You know all you need to know?
You are happy alone
You enjoy overdraft charges
You enjoy cutoff notices
You enjoy being broke
You enjoy having money as an excuse to not go to the party
Your happy doing the same thing over and over and over again
You want someone else to care more than you do
You want someone else to work harder than you do
You would rather complain
You're right, really you're right
Your life is someone elses fault
You're unwilling to pickup a penny, a nickle, maybe even a dime
You're willing to do just enough
Your dream is "someday"
Being average is good enough
You aren't worth retail price
Noone really cares including you
You're to afraid
You put yourself last
You're reasonable
You're comfortable
You're not committed
You're committed to what you have
You want to keep everything in your head
Noone can do it better than you
You doubt yourself
You're angry
You've given up
You're willing to settle for less
You believe everyone else
You don't want to feel
You need to be convinced
You'll be serious...if
You'll believe...when
You'll do it...only when
You think "I can do that" and then do nothing
You want a guarantee
You want more than you give
You are confinced money is bad
You don't want to make money?
You want a job not a business
You think "why bother"
You're not worth $97 a year
You enjoy being mad
It works for everyone else not me
You're different, your the exception
You have to be convinced
You have to be motivated
You always choose the hardest path
You are convinced simple doesn't work
You are convinced noone else cares, so you don't care
You'll eat anything and expect to feel good
You'll do nothing and expect to have energy
You won't ask for help
You value others more than you value yourself
You're actions impact others and you don't get it
You think everyone else thinks like you
You're resigned to your life
You would rather invest a dollar in a lottery than 5 minutes in yourself
You believe luck has nothing to do with taking action
You don't plan
All the great opportunities are taken
Even free isn't good enough
People don't deserve to be paid for what they love
Planning is limiting
Speed is a challenge
Perfection comes first
Focus on why it won't work
Focued on the doubters
You're lazy
You want the easy path

Do your actions match what you're thinking?
Does your thinking match your actions?

Winning Does Matter!!!

To your success,

James Possible (Mr. Possible)

Possibility is not an accident, it's a choice!

© 2009 James Possible LLC. All rights reserved in all media.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Coaching: What's great about coaching...

Who's Andrea J Lee?

If you are a coach and you haven't heard of Andrea, it's time...and here's your chance. She is always up to something and right now her latest biggy is quietly being assembled, yet she is starting to tease the world with the tiniest of glimpses.

Anyways, I digress, coaching is one of those things you can't put in a box, although it's been done, and you can't put it in a book, although that's been done. Still, it is the actual experience of coaching that really says it all. And, everyone has a different experience...yep...I know, it's crazy good!

What's great about coaching...

Andrea recently posted to her blog a post that shares five quotes refering to what is great about coaching. I added my thoughts to the mix and would encourage you to do the same.

click here to view Andrea's post...

It's a chance to share your experience of coaching and maybe even to contribute to something bigger than you.

Share your experience...

Have you had a coaching experience you would like to share? Please do by leaving a comment.

To your success,

James Possible (Mr. Possible)

Possibility is not an accident, it's a choice!

PS: Make sure you take a second to check out Andrea's post.

© 2009 James Possible LLC. All rights reserved in all media.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Business Strategies: Did you miss it?

Growing your business in 2009...

Every Wednesday during 2009 you will have an opportunity to join me and a growing community of action oriented business minded professionals who are working to build a profitable and thriving business in 2009.  A business they love for the life style they want to live.

Listen to last weeks live audio recording, NOW!

Isolation is a challenge for most solo-professionals...

Do you ever find it frustrating and lonely as you work in and on your business?

This really is a great opportunity for you to turn your loneliness around.  Join me every Wednesday on a lively weekly business call focussed on answering questions, discussing strategies,  your business and your dream.

You can get started without spending a dime...

Each of the "Winning Matters!" calls will be held every Wednesday.

Call time 11:30am Eastern Standard Time

Phone number: 1-218-936-7999
Access code: 977222

Call length: 90 minutes

To your success,

James Possible (Mr. Possible)

Possibility is not an accident, it's a choice!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Client Attraction: It starts with excellence!

Are you playing all out?

It really doesn't matter how everyone else plays the game when it comes to business.  Ultimately your business, it's success and all you achieve with it comes back to "YOU"!

A couple questions to ask yourself...

Have  you set up your business to win i.e., have you given yourself the best possible chance to win?

Are you going through the motions?

Have you settled for "good enough" or "close enough for government work" as your standard?

...people know these things intuitively when then meet you.  If your not playing the game with everything you have to give it will become very obvious at the time when it's most critical.  The moment the curious visitor decides to say "YES! I'm in..." or "Not today...".

80/20 rule...

Have you ever heard the saying "80% of winning the game is showing up."

Or have you ever heard "20% of business is about skill, the other 80% is about attitude."

Both sayings, while they may be accurate, can actually take you out of the game i.e., keep you from having the successful business you want if you are not careful.  This is especially true is you are a soloprofessional or a solobusiness owner (i.e., a life or business coach).

How much skill is enough?

On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 be "AAAMAZING" and 1 being "BOOOOO! HISSSSS!" how would you rate your skills, your ability to perform the service you delivering?

How would you rate the quality of the service you deliver?  (10 being "OMG I WANT MORE!" and 1 being "EEEEEW, GET AWAY, NOW!")

My point, unless you are going to promote someone else, someone who is EXTREMELY skilled, you will have to be the one with the skills!  You will have to be the one with the "MAGIC"!

Before attitude comes skill...

First things first, become a master at what you do (the service you want to provide).  Once you are masterful then focusing on the business will be much easier.

Excellence in action...

...exellence is very compelling and extremely attractive.

When you skills are masterful it's easy for people to remember you, it's easy for people to recommend you.

Time to get real with yourself...

1. Are you delivering the quality of service you want?

2. Are your clients AAAAAMAZED by you and the benefits of working with you?

3. How compelling is the experience of working with you?

4. What 3 things could you do today to improve your skills and your service?

5. Well, what are you waiting for...GET BUSY!

To your success,

James Possible (Mr. Possible)

Possibility is not an accident, it's a choice!