Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Business Mindset: Tire kickers don't make good business owners!

Chris Brogan is NOT a tire kicker!!!

If you haven't heard of Chris Brogan just goto and you'll find his blog.

Why does Chris matter? Because there is something for you and I to learn from what Chris is up to these days...more specifically a series of posts titled "Overnight Success...".

To say Chris' videos have stirred me to action would be an understatement. The "Overnight Success..." videos are more like a wake-up call...a reminder to...PAY ATTENTION!

So, why isn't Mr. Brogan a tire the vids and answer the question for yourself...

Once you've watched the vids ask yourself...

- Would I go that far?
- What am I willing to do to grow my business?

Until you start taking action all the books, the tapes, the CDs and DVDs, seminars and teleclasses simply won't matter.

Do you really know, understanding doesn't count, what having a thriving business will do for you and those you love?

Chris Brogan does!!!

Chris is taking action, like it or not, he has made a commitment and he is going for IT! He knows what a thriving business will mean for him and his family and he's making it happen.

Tire kickers don't go for IT...

Tire kickers don't go for IT, they hesitate, they doubt and they let opportunity pass them by.

Earlier I shared how Chris' "Overnight Success..." vids have been a reminder for me to "PAY ATTENTION". Still, making time for a video even if it's only a minute or two can be a challenge. So, here's a way for you make sure you are paying attention...ask yourself, on a regular basis, the following question...

"Is what I'm doing working?"

Be honest with yourself, don't let yourself BS yourself. If what you are doing isn't working then change IT!

Stop kicking tires and start...

"PAYING ATTENTION!" committed and take action.

To your success,

James Possible (Mr. Possible)

Remember, possibility is not an accident, it's a choice!

james at

© 2009 James Possible LLC. All rights reserved in all media.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Winning is not just a word!!!

Words are so seductive...

It is intriguing to me how many people have such an affinity for quotes. People will read them, seek them out and even share them. Equally true is that people will have a tendency to relate to quotes on such a personal level that there can be a sense of sharing themselves when they share the quote.

The words because they have such a personal relationship with the individual can take on a life of their own.

Yet, aside from having an affinity for the same quote will one typically be curious enough to ask "Do they really understand what that quote means for me, do they really understand what it is I am meaning or wanting to share?"

I would say this..."I doubt it!"

Lost in translation...

Context, timing and ones situation will no doubt influence how a quote that is shared by another is interpreted. Allowing ourselves to assume that the reader of the quote will understand is a bit short sighted, much like the conversation that passes comments from one person to the next with a casual "you know what I mean...".

If we never take the time to question what is being said and the intent or to share our understanding of same then how do we ever really know that either party is talking about the same short "WE DON'T!"

What do you mean?

No, I don't want to hear the quote again, rather I would like to hear what you have to say...

- What are your feelings and thoughts
- What has caused you pick this particular quote
- What has compelled you to share the quote with me

The more a word, a phrase or even a quote is shared the less meaning it will actually have. A point that is often lost to many.

There are no short-cuts to communicating effectively.

Do you care enough?

What would change for you if instead of sharing a quote you took the time to consider what the quote means for you and what it is you want others to understand from the quote. Yes, in YOUR WORDS!

What would change if instead of accepting a quote as a response you actually took the time to ask...

"What about that quote is so important for you?"

Much more than a word...

Winning is one of the most over used words in the English language and perhaps even on a global scale and it is exactly because of it's over use that "winning" has absolutely no meaning. Well, at least in a universal sense.

Does winning mean scoring a goal, completing a marathon, getting out of bed, surviving cancer or being a friend?

The truth is, it probably means all of those things and more depending on the person.

The opportunity...

In this case the opportunity might be to ask "What does winning mean for you?"

This is not an easy question, especially for someone who has never considered it. Even for someone who has considered it, it still be difficult to answer in this moment.

The power of the word does not lie within the word itself, rather it lies in the awareness of the person who is willing to contemplate "what the word means for them".

Inspired by...

This post was inspired by @TheSCICoach to follow and read her tweets click here... and her recent string of tweets on winning.

I love the topic of winning..

- It is rich with opportunity for discovery and growth
- It is rich with meaning

It takes courage and compassion to say "I want to win" and to go for it, especially if you know exactly what it means for YOU!

Still, if you don't ever take the time to consider "What does winning mean for me?" how can you ever really know what you are saying when you say...


To your success,

James Possible (Mr. Possible)

Remember, possibility is not an accident, it's a choice!

james at

© 2009 James Possible LLC. All rights reserved in all media.

Self-care: Teachers, guides, students and James Arthur Ray...

James Ray followers die...

If you are not familiar with this incident, Ray recently held a retreat including a 36 hour fast and a sweat lodge ceremony that ultimately lead to the death of two and 19 others injured.

To read more about the James A. Ray sweat lodge tragedy, click here...

More to the point is what can we learn from this experience?

Recorded audio session - The James Ray Incident: A Discussion about Authority with Shawna Bowen and guests, click here...

Pay attention, pay attention, pay attention...

As a student, a teacher, a follower, a guide and even a mentor is important to remember that it is essential, even critical, as an individual that we always put self-care first. There is no one living who has all the answers or an answer that is right for everyone.

When we begin to see someone in that light and give them the power to make choices for us it is a warning sign. A warning that there is something amiss. It's a time to step back and to collect your self and your thoughts.

Your life is your responsibility...

When we allow others to choose for us we suspend our responsibility to ourselves. No one and I do mean no one can be more vested in your life than you. It is your life to live and to experience, it was given to YOU and no one else.

Only YOU can experience your life!

T Harv Eker says it well when he says...

"I speaking from my experience, you can only speak from your experience."

"Try what I say if it works keep do if, if it doesn't then stop!"

We all can benefit from keeping a critical mind as we explore our curiosity and begin to reach beyond our comfort zones.

- Be willing to question what is being asked of you
- Be willing to seek other possibilities
- Be willing to trust yourself and your body

It takes great courage...

To stand for yourself, to live the life you choose does require courage as you will no doubt be challenged and questioned by others. Just remember the person you are standing for is YOU!

- Be your greatest fan
- Be your greatest advocate
- Be your best friend

Your life is yours to live, remember that, treasure it and accept the responsibility that comes with living your life.

What about teachers, guides, trainers and mentors?

Pay attention, you have a responsibility to those who say yes to you. You have a responsibility to empower your students and or mentees to be courageous and to speak for themselves. You have a responsibility give voice to their questions and concerns even if they remain silent.

Seth Godin says it well "It's easy to under estimate how difficult it is for someone to become curious"...

Listen Seth Godin as he shares his thoughts on curiosity, click here...

My point that it is not always easy for the follower, the student or the mentee to question the one they look up to. As teachers it is important to remember this and to keep at the forefront of all teachings and learning opportunities.

Teachers, guides, trainers and mentors are not there to live our lives...

Learn from others, be curious, experiment, give your best effort and live your life. Make your own choices and celebrate those who choose to do the same.

To your success,

James Possible (Mr. Possible)

Remember, possibility is not an accident, it's a choice!

james at

© 2009 James Possible LLC. All rights reserved in all media.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Business and stories...

The ultimate message...

Stories are the ultimate message as they bring to life what cannot
be conveyed logically. Stories can be inspirational, heart-warming,
scary and even heart-breaking.

Do you have a story?
Do you recall the last time you shared your story?

Chris Barrow says "Tell 1,000 people!"

To polish a stone you must toss it into a tumbler and then let it
tumble amongst the other rocks and grit until it's surface
eventually reaches a brilliant lustre.

The same holds true for the stories you share. Until your story is
is tested, refined and tested again and again it will most likely
lack focus, structure and a compelling message. Not only does your
story suffer without putting it to the test, your skills as a story
teller will most likely be greatly diminished without practice.

Imagine 1,000 people...

Can you imagine telling 1,000 people your story?

What would change for you, how would your story change, can you imagine?

How long would it take you to tell 1,000 people your story...5 years, 3 years, 1 year or less?

If you wait, resist, put it off how long will it take to tell 1,000 people your story?

I know, all these's just your business right?

Well, what are you waiting for...get out of here...go it now!

James Possible (Mr. Possible)

Remember, possibility is not an accident, it's a choice!

james at

© 2009 James Possible LLC. All rights reserved in all media.